What is Newfolder.exe?
The real name of this virus is Iddono. This threat copies its file(s) to your hard disk. Its typical file name is Iddono. Then it
creates new startup key with name Iddono and value newfolder.exe. You can also find it in your processes list with name
newfolder.exe or Iddono. This virus is very difficult to eliminate manually, but you can find several possible methods of
removal below.
How to fix Newfolder.exe?
Quick Solution:
True Sword will find and eliminate this problem and more than 447 908 other dangerous threats including trojans,
spyware, adware, riskware, problemware, keyloggers, dialers and other kinds of malicious programs in several seconds.
Fast, easy, and handy, True Sword protects your computer against malicious programs that do harm to your computer
and break your privacy. True Sword scans your hard disks and registry and destroys any manifestation of such malicious
programs. Standard anti-virus software can do nothing against privacy breakers and malicious programs like that. Get rid
of trojans, spyware, adware, trackware, dialers and keyloggers in one click .
How to fix Newfolder.exe manually? For advanced users only
This problem can be solved manually by deleting all registry keys and files connected with this software, removing it from
starup list and unregistering all corresponding DLLs. Additionally missing DLL's should be restored from distribution in
case they are corrupted by Iddono. To fix this threat, you should: 1. Kill the following processes and delete the
appropriate files:
If these files can't be deleted during normal Windows work or recreate themselves, reboot into Safe Mode and repeat
deletion. If you do not see all of these files, then they are hiding themselves. You need special software to kill those
hidden files. 2. Delete the following malicious registry entries and\or values:
Key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run for nwiz.exe Value: @
Key: software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run\alchem Value: @
Key: software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run\zzb Value: @
Another method which is recently discovered by me that any AVG antivirus above 8.0version can detect the new folder
virus easily.
“For beginners I recommend to for for the Software True Sword its free “.
i hope you understand the simple and quick method to remove the newfolder or any .exe file virux.
keep learning hacking and remember me in your prayer...
Samilee Virux
Removing Folder exe virus
ReplyDeleteYou can remove the exe virus infected folder from your system in two ways. One is the manual method, and the other is using a third-party application.
The steps given below will help you remove the exe virus infected folder from your system using the New folder Removal Tool.
1.Once you install the Newfolder Removal Tool on your system, open it, and begin the exe virus removal process.
2.Click the Start Scan button available at the center of the screen.
3.It takes a maximum of ten to thirty minutes for the scanning process to complete.
4.At the end of the virus scanning process, all the folders and files infected with the exe virus will be displayed on the screen.
5.Perform the on-screen instructions to fix the virus displayed on the screen.
For more information,you can check out this detailed guide.https://antivirus-protection.co/virus-exe
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